

PETER, in labour for your consideration

PETER, in labour for your consideration, Nikki Kane, Body at work, ABFHUSET Stockholm, Encounter, Rebecca Hilton, Stockholm Uniarts(SE) 2017.

PETER in labour for your consideration. PETER, identity, artist, artwork, performance, person, offers themselves up for consideration. Exposing the contemporary labour practices of a freelance body, within a study circle we explore the regimes of control and power within our hyper individualist context, along with the burdening need for meaning as a part of our contemporary labour practices. The performance examines meaning, value and knowledge production for meaningful work, social life, and the dream of meaningfulness outside the capitalist echo chamber, allowing you to reflect, relax, and relate better to your role as a contemporary labourer.




Photography credits: Nikki Kane

Performance and choreography: Peter Mills