

PETER, Reflective Nebular

, (Reflective Nebular) MARC (SE), residential performance, October 2014/January 2015
Peter Ref neb

Reflective Nebula, with choreographer Peter Mills, is both an educational and artistic exploration of community.
Inclusion in a community shapes what one values and the choices one makes. A focus on the movements that shape these communities, micro and macro, can better inform us how and where our value is formed and shaped. “Reflective Nebula” is a two-part project hosted by MARC. The project employs reflective choreographic practices during encounters with specific communities to demonstrate how community functions and reveal how systems of value are produced.

During his residency at MARC, Mills had multiple encounters with different communities throughout the Skåne Region. He visited the groups in their own context and each group also traveled to MARC to work in the studio. These groups included 6-9 year-olds at Hammenhögsfriskola, adults from in and around Kivik, Gymnasium students at NOVA Performance Academy in Simrishamn, and a group of educators at Wanås Konst.

Using the internet, images, videos, texts, histories and observations of situations harvested during the encounters, he constructed a space filled with objects echoing or directly lifted from the experiences within the communities in the studio at MARC. The groups and public were invited for a final 48-hour performance in which they interacted with Mills as a performer and the objects amassed throughout the residency period.

As you enter the space you are greeted by an unaccountable history. It is clear that something has happened or perhaps is happening. Papers, objects, black bags, white sheets, posters, a space blanket, and books lie on the floor in no particular order. As you navigate the exhibition of mess and clutter you find hidden reasons and pathways that speak through many voices including your own.

Lead and Choreographed by: Peter Mills
Produced by: MARC